Sunday 17 January 2010

Busy Week

So the new year has started how the last ended, in short busy. I am on week two of my 52 week project and already finding it hard to find time to balance everything. Still I managed to get a couple of photos sorted for the two weeks. First one was quite disappointing but proved an excellent learning experience. The second weeks effort (seen above) was really a bit of a rush job. I got one of the lads from work to spare me 30 minutes after work and got him to dress up for the occasion :-)

On an unreleated topic I spent yesterday doing my first proper winter walk in the lakes district, on a mountain called Skiddaw. To elaborate this means the going was so difficult that I had to wear crampons (spikes on my boots) and carry an ice axe for safety purposes, in other words stop me sliding down the mountain to my death if I slipped :-)

It turned out to be one of the best walks/ climbs we have done, The snow was well in excess of 4ft deep at parts and the going was pretty damn tough. This was later coupled with my first ever experience of a white out. Something that is incrediably disorientating and when you are near the edge of a mountain ridge, pretty damn scary. In short it happens when there is no contract to tell land from sky and you are just completely surrounded by white. This came into effect due to the snow and heavy cloud. Luckily I had a compass and map, which I knew how to use well enough to get us to the summit and back to our route of ascent.

All that being said it was an awesome day and very exhilirating. I was definately glad to be back at the base of the mountain at the end. Pic below is the summit trig pillar with me attempting to chip some ice off it! The cloud had eased up a little at this point.

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