Friday 1 January 2010

And so it begins....

So here i am, thinking to myself, Do I have anything of value worth writing about and more importantly why chronicle day to day (more likely week to week) going ons in my life? In an age where most people have become self infatuated with a bloated sense of self importance, demonstrated by their minute by minute status updates on facebook, I feel that anything that is going to move me down that path is best avoided.

However, I see a blog as potentially quite different. It is an easy way to let friends who live further afield know what is going on in my life (always been rubish at phone conversations :-), it can help me reflect on my journey through life (kinda like a diary) and it can also give me an outlet for my views on world.

So now I have decided to take the step and enter the world of blogging, what can any reader expect from this page? Well along with the usual mutterings of a madman in the making, a little bit of info on my interests in life, this means movie reviews (i luv ma movies) views on the world as a whole and any info I feel is of value to share.

Short sweet and too the point, lets see if I can get past more than one post. Only time will tell :-)

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